Meline Ethnic &
Caucasian Peel

There is a wide variety of skin types, each with their unique characteristics. Depending on its phototype, the skin can react in different ways to endogenous and exogenous factors. The response to an injury such as inflammation or irritation manifests differently on lighter skins and on darker skins. Additionally, each skin phototype tends towards different clinical profiles. The MELINE® products are formulated to suit to the particular characteristics of each skin type. The range therefore includes exclusive treatments for low skin phototypes, from I to III, and high skin phototypes, from IV to VI.


The numbers on the containers of MELINE products always have a meaning, not only in terms of their order of application during treatment, but also in terms of their function:

  • 00: Preparation
  • 01: Professionally administered treatment
  • 02: Patient-administered treatment
  • 03: Hydration and recovery
  • 04: Protection
  • 05: Treatment potentiation by patient.

The MELine treatment path is a 4-6 month course with which pigment can be drastically reduced. The treatment consists of two mask treatments and a home package. In addition, the treatment is strengthened with microneedling therapy.

A mask treatment will be started in the clinic, after which the treatment will be continued at home from day 3. After 2 weeks you will undergo a microneedling treatment and 2 weeks thereafter another mask treatment. If necessary, the course is supplemented with an additional microneedling treatment.

Meline Ethnic & Caucasian Peel

Why choose SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic? 

 At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic you can be assured that your Meline Ethnic & Caucasian Peel will be carried out by an experienced medical professional in a safe, confidential and medical environment where your skin concerns are our priority.

Schedule your Meline Ethnic & Caucasian Peel Consultation

Do you still have questions about Meline Ethnic & Caucasian Peel? To find out more, contact SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic contact at 0795229563.

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