

THE BREAKTHROUGH, NEW APPROACH TO TREATING ACNE A Powerful, Drug-Free Miracle For the Treatment of Acne The DMK ACU SYSTEM...


UNIQUE, POWERFUL, VERSATILE DMK’s unique alkalizing treatment that swells, softens and desquamates skin cells and stubborn skin conditions. This power...

Treating Acne From The Root Cause

Acne is a common problem that affects many individuals, and finding effective treatments can often be a challenge. With DMK’s...


SCAR TREATMENT & WOUND MANAGEMENT DMK’s unique method of scar revision is highly effective at reducing scar tissue and smoothing...

NAD+ for Substance Abuse

NAD+ Infusion Treatment for Substance Abuse Addiction recovery can be a long and difficult road, one which is often littered...

NAD+ for Stress

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Stress While stress is commonly accepted as simply part of modern life, it does...


NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for PTSD Surviving a traumatic experience is deeply life-changing and can leave psychological scars you...

NAD+ for Neurodegeneration

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Neurodegeneration The progressive loss of function and structure of neurons, including neuron death, in...

NAD+ for Mitochondrial Disease

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Mitochondrial Disease The powerhouses of each cell, mitochondria process oxygen and convert nutrients into...

NAD+ for Depression

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Depression In South Africa, an estimated 9.8% of the adult population experience major (clinical)...

NAD+ for Chronic Pain

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Chronic Pain Living with chronic pain can keep you from doing things you once...

NAD+ for Chronic Fatigue

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Chronic Fatigue A complicated and chronic health condition about which very little is understood,...

NAD+ for Brain Injury

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Brain Injury Following even a relatively minor head injury, it is not uncommon to...

NAD+ for Anxiety

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Anxiety Occasional worry and feelings of anxiousness are normal, but when overwhelming anxiety and...

NAD+ for Alcoholism

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Alcoholism Alcoholism is a debilitating disease, one which not only wreaks havoc with physical...

NAD+ for Addiction

NAD+ IV Therapy Infusion Treatment for Addiction Battling addiction can be an uphill battle, one which all too often comes...

The Science Behind Emsculpt

Can Emsculpt really give you the same results as those seen from 20,000 squats, crunches, bicep curls, calf lifts, and other key...


Topical Finasteride And Minoxidil Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss experienced in genetically predisposed individuals....


Fatigue is the most prevalent problem of everyday life and it is the most common ailment that the average person...


1. DIGESTIVE ISSUES Problems with digestion are becoming more and more common. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is just one of...

Vitamin B 12, Is it important?

Vitamin B 12 or hydroxocobalamin is an especially important vitamin that our body needs when it comes to brain function....

The importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, plays many important roles in the body. It is key to the immune system,...

Liver detox Is it necessary?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), also known as metabolic (dysfunction) associated fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is one of the...

Hormonal Imbalance in Females

Hormones are chemicals produced by glands in the endocrine system and released into the bloodstream. An imbalance occurs when there...

Oxidative stress

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), also known as metabolic (dysfunction) associated fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is one of the...

Acne -More Than Skin Deep

Anytime I hear people say that they are using birth control pills, antibiotics, or medications such as Accutane to control...

Hair loss

Topical Finasteride And Minoxidil Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss experienced in genetically predisposed individuals....

Mirror mirror on the wall

From a medical perspective, it is impossible to achieve optimal health without a properly functioning and well-balanced hormonal system, and...

Mesoprotech Your Body Guard At All Times

Mesoestetic offers a very complete range of sun protection against UVA-UVB-IR-HEV. The dermatologically tested formulas contain very specific textures that...

8 Tips for Post Chemical Peel Care

If you’re a beauty junkie and/or skin care connoisseur, you’ve most likely heard of chemical peels. At SkinRx Aesthetic Clinic,...

Acne: More Than Skin Deep

Anytime I hear people say that they are using birth control pills, antibiotics, or medications such as Accutane to control...

Anti Aging LED Light Therapy

Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have...

Does Stress Cause Acne?

Acne is more than just a teenager’s problem. Many adults struggle to control acne breakouts, too. As an experienced aesthetic...

Does Vitamin E Help With Acne?

While the spotlight ingredient or hero product of the beauty industry is constantly changing, with each ingredient flaunting new and...

Topical Finasteride And Minoxidil

Topical Finasteride And Minoxidil Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss experienced in genetically predisposed individuals....

NADplus Complex

Fighting against free radicals and inflammation The unique blend of 19 ingredients in NADplus+ Complex assist in decelerating the ageing process. Cells...

Vitamin E Benefits for Face

If you’re a skincare enthusiast like us and are always looking to create the perfect routine for your skin, then...

Why You Shouldn’t Pop a Pimple

Pimples are a common skin condition that affects both adolescents and adults. These growths form due to hormonal changes, the...

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

From a medical perspective, it is impossible to achieve optimal health without a properly functioning and well-balanced hormonal system, and...

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