The Youth Restoring Benefits Of NAD+

The Youth Restoring Benefits Of NAD+

By Scott Rahway

Since the year 2001, Life Extension® has been seeking a way to reverse a mechanism of aging that may not be adequately

addressed by the healthy lifestyle choices most members currently follow.

Normal aging is accompanied by a noticeable increase in fatigue and loss of motivation. The tiredness we outwardly feel

reflects inward impairment of cellular functions critical to sustaining life.

NAD+ is the term used in the scientific literature to describe a cellular compound called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

NAD+ is found in every cell in the body and is essential to life.1,2 NAD+ enables the transfer of energy from the foods we eat to

vital cell functions. It is also required to “turn off” genes that accelerate degenerative aging processes.3,4

As NAD+ levels decline, mitochondrial function is impaired, resulting in fewer mitochondria surviving.3,5 This vicious cycle of

mitochondrial depletion results in many of the physical symptoms of aging.

The challenge we at Life Extension have faced over the past 13 years is finding an efficient way for aging humans to affordably

The Youth Restoring Benefits Of NAD


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